Saturday, August 26, 2017

assignment: the future

which do you think is the most likely future scenario from these listed?

which is the least likely?

for your assignment, write stories illustrating each of your two choices.

1) no more crime. total surveillance of all humans, 7/24. information processed by central brain, lawbreakers swiftly apprehended and summarily punished.

2) total crime. no police, survival of fittest. total gang war for control of resources

3) total war between males and females. men control some continents, women others.

4) total war between whites and non-whites. whites have more nukes, control moon and mars. non-whites more people and natural resource

5) total war between breeders (male/female humans) and sexless cloned humans

6) total war between two new religions, both with charismatic leaders. old religions gone.

7) men totally rule world, all women slaves.

8) women totally rule world, all men slaves

9) total war between humans and machines/cyborgs

10) all humans live in separate pods, watch porn/listen to new age music all day

11 all humans live in separate pods, sleep and dream all day. all dreams recorded, bad dreamers eliminated by robot police

12) single human with access to world-destroying weapon rules world, all humans slaves

13) world divided into fighters and breeders. breeders watch gladiatorial combats of fighters all day.

14) total war between mutant race of super-intelligent children, and rest of humanity

15) other animals (cats, dogs, primates. etc) mutate and rise up against humans. total war.

16) insects mutate and rise up against humans. total war.

17) humans merge into single entity, which takes refuge in center of earth

18) humans merge into single entity , which builds space ship and leaves solar system

19) humans reduced to one male, one female, who build space ship and leave solar system

20 humans reduced to one male, one female, who start history all over again, which plays out exactly the same as before.

21) total war between coalition of old religions (christianity, islam, marxism, etc) and new religion

22) total war between new race of immortal humans, and other humans.

23) invasion by aliens. humans unite, defeat aliens

24) invasion by aliens, humans unite, enslaved by aliens

25) invasion by aliens, humans unite, wiped out by aliens

26) invasion by aliens, humans defeated by coalition of aliens and other earth creatures (primates, wolves, insects, etc)

27) invasion by aliens. separate human nations align with different competing alien empires. total war.

28 ) total peace. no more war, no more nations, humans sing and dance all day forever.

29 ) no changes. world exactly the same in year 5000 as year 2000.

30) the future will be totally incomprehensible to the 21st century human brain

31) universe disappears in an instant

32) a great light appears in the sky, and a voice cries …


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