Monday, October 2, 2017

the tenth possibility

for previous story, click here

to begin at the beginning, click here

there it was again.

99 was sure of it.

the noise out in the hall.

99 tried to ignore it.

and did not want to call cop.

or friend - because after repeated calls to friend, friend had to notify cop.

99 had already used the allotted number of notices for the calendar,

but the noise - the scratching noise! the noise unlike anything 99 had ever heard in the programs.

the programs 99 had been watching for the 168 calendars of 99’s existence.

99 was getting along in calendars, and had had 3 friends and 4 cops.

but was not exactly sure why.

whether it was because of something 99 said or did, or just the routine of events.

there was the noise again!

the scratching noise!

at times like this 99 wanted to get up from the cot and go out into the hall.

which of course was strictly forbidden.

unknown to 99, all previous thoughts of going outside had been recorded in 99’s file…

99 tried to concentrate on the program.

it was a romance program. hot-tempered jeremy had cone to realize that only daphne’s love could save jeremy from jeremy’s self.

99, at the moment, preferred romance programs to travel or porn or horror or history or sport programs, after long sessions with advisor that left 99 with few hours of advice left in the current calendar.

two more programs to feeding time!

and the noise again!

99 had been told over and over by advisor and friend and cop that the noises were not real and existed only in 99’s brain.

suddenly 99 could not take it any longer….

and called friend!

99 lay back on cot, emotionally drained.

friend came quickly. and not alone.

with cop. and with entity 99 had never seen before!

99 got up from cot shakily, staring at new entity.

this is supervisor, friend and cop announced in unison.

supervisor! 99 could not believe it.

cop glared at 99. “do you know what you are?” cop asked 99.

“what?” 99 could hardly breathe, for fear. this was the most “real” thing that had ever happened to 99.

“a whiny little bitch,” said cop. “that is what you are.”

a whiny little bitch! 99 had heard the expression many times on the programs, but had never thought to hear it in own life, or suspect that it might be actually used in present time.

“but - but -“ 99 began to protest.

“do not speak,” said supervisor. “let officer finish.”

“a whiny ungrateful little bitch,” cop went on, but did not stop there…


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